PTA's "Reflections" Arts Program

2024-2025 Reflections Theme Logo - Accepting Imperfection

“Accepting Imperfection”

That’s the theme for the 2024-25 Reflections Art Program, which has been bringing the arts to life for more than 10 million students since 1969. California State PTA and its members, families and kids are on the forefront of this amazing program, which increases community awareness of the importance of arts in education.

Reflections encourages students of all ages to:

  • Unleash creative talents and be inspired
  • Express themselves imaginatively in their artwork
  • Experience the fun and joy of making art
  • Tap into critical thinking skills to create art inspired by the annual theme
  • Receive positive recognition for their original works of art.

Click here to see the California winners of the 2023-2024 Reflections Art Program.

What’s in it for Your Child?

Fun for All: Every participant will experience the joy that comes with making art!


Skill Building: Students learn to express themselves imaginatively, think critically about this year’s theme, and gain confidence through participation and recognition.


Special Recognition: Up to 30 JM students will be included in an area-wide showcase in Walnut Creek and receive a beautiful ribbon for participation. Some entries may be chosen by our area PTA governing body, Las Trampas Creek Council ("LTCC"), to advance to state and national levels of competition.


how CAN YOUR student participate?

Students create artwork under the theme "Accepting Imperfection" in any of the following six categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts.


Students submit their artwork by the deadline of Friday, October 18

  •  online HERE or in the JM office (in the labeled bin)

All artwork will be returned to students.


Judges at the LTCC level will select some entries to continue to higher levels of competition. They will give equal weight to the personal statement and the artwork. The personal statement (up to 100 words) should clearly explain how the artwork connects to the theme. The artwork will be evaluated on technique, creativity, and interpretation.


Students are limited to one entry per category. Students can enter artwork in one or more (or all!) categories. Artwork can feature additional students and other people, but artwork must be created by just one student. Visit the California Parent Teacher Association ("CAPTA") website to review art produced by last year's winners and for more specific requirements and rules.


Awards and Recognition

Every participating JM student will be recognized by our PTA, with the opportunity for local, state and national awards and recognition through the California Parent Teachers Association ("CAPTA") and the national PTA. Up to 30 JM students will be eligible to participate in an arts and awards showcase to be held in early December at the Walnut Creek Intermediate School.



Visual Arts






Film Production


Dance Choreography


Music Composition


Accessible Arts Division




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